JPG Magazine: Photos: “Las Vegas Lowrider” by Jerry...: "
JPG Magazine: Photos: ‘Las Vegas Lowrider’ by Jerry Lindholm"
With Boxed Water Is Better, the only thing you're really consuming is the water itself. A new brand—and concept—Boxed Water has successfully taken the bottled water phenomenon to eco-friendly heights.
(Via Cool Hunting.)
Technorati Tags:
mcdonald's, fast food, chiuaua, burger, cheeseburger
[from I Love Type:]I have a big soft spot for this kind of over-printed wood type letterpress. This is a piece by Matt Busher from the London College of'Communication.
And this piece is one of the very best examples of this method. The work of Nick'Sherman:
For a veritable wood type feast be sure to check out Nick’s wood type Flickr'set.
Parachute has a great interview with printer Justin Knopp of'Typoretum:
(Via i love typography, the typography and fonts blog.)
OK, let’s take a breather. Got a few minutes (hours) to kill? Then try the type-themed Pong from Hype for'Type:
(Via i love typography, the typography and fonts blog.)
nakano:アイドル・芸能人モノ - 昭和の雑誌広告・懐かしモノ - Yahoo!ブログ: "
(Via たんぶらうざ.)
Technorati Tags:
cassette, retro ads, man, jeans, sombrero, western, aiwa, tp-707p
Retro Thing:...: "
"Retro Thing: Painfully Beautiful Vintage Tech
(Via Aspettando Ellis.)
Technorati Tags:
1970s, Future, receptionist, work station, industrial design, phone, tv phone, uniform, panels, yellow dress, white cap, gloves, futuristic, fantasy
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