vivien wayruch + fabian röttger: a nice idea every day.: "
[written by Shape+Color] Oh, A Nice Idea Every Day… you had me at hello. Seriously. I knew I was about to fall in love with German film-makers/photographers/objects of my affection Vivien Wayruch and Fabian Röttger when I read on their site that ‘our work is inspired by pretty much everything, mostly bad tv shows, video games, goulash and ponies.’
C’mon. That’s fucking awesome.
Constantly exploring, the huge variety and amount of work on their site has a kind of infectious, exploratory energy. Their work is fun, experimental, and doesn’t concern itself with much of anything besides the pure delight of trying shit out and seeing what happens. It’s pure and sunny and feels genuinely alive. In one of their photographic series, ‘Flying Things’, various household goods take to the sky. Maybe they were tossed. Maybe they’re levitating. Maybe they’ve just always been up there…

With ‘Magic Hands’, (and, really, who doesn’t want magic hands?) they take the same study of regular objects but this time they create the visual interest through the interplay of the objects with human hands.

I dare you not to enjoy the subtle brilliance of ‘Noodles’:

Their site is definitely worth checking out. On top of way more photographic series, there are also short films, video experiments, and an ongoing personal project, ‘Every Day’, featuring small and lovely photo experiments. Hence… A Nice Idea Every Day. More please.
To close off, two shots from their series ‘Colour Me Summer.’ These just make me happy…

Via Today and Tomorrow

(Via shape + colour.)
Technorati Tags:
cassette , boom box, track, VHS, records, vinyl, scissors, pasta, buck