Heartbeats: "
(Via are2.)
Posted via email from Haj718
Modern Hitchcock poster seriesby Matt Needle via nevver / My...: "
Modern Hitchcock poster series
by Matt Needle
via nevver / My Modern Met
(Via Waxin' & Milkin'.)
Posted via email from Haj718
I received this Container Store catalog with this image on the cover. Does getting Elfa organized closets make you wanna gloat to your child? Please feel free to add a new caption in the comments section.
Posted via email from Haj718
I won't give away what it's for but it's pretty funny. Worth watching to the very end.
Posted via email from Haj718
As I watched Don Draper reel in the Hilton account with a few conversations and a handshake, I wondered, "where's the pitch consultant? Strategy deck? 360 credentials? Consumer insight video set to a Cold Play song? The over written "manifesto" on 20x30 foam core boards???"
Posted via email from Haj718
Posted via email from Haj718
Posted via email from Haj718
A great article from wired magazine. (link) Not everyone needs professional musician quality sound. That's why the compressed mp3 format became the convenient choice for the masses who wanted to fill their hard drives with as many songs as they could. That's why there's a lot of "Good Enough" technology like the Flip camera, Skype and that consumers embrace more than their quality conterparts.
Posted via web from Haj718
Hypnotic. More like a mood film than real information but nicely done.
Posted via web from Haj718
Audrey Hepburn and her little pet fawn Pippin (Ip) that she had in 1958 and 1959. She kept the fawn at her home and became attached to it. It shopped with her, took naps beside her, and followed her around all day. This was right around the time when she was shooting the movie Green Mansions.
Posted via web from Haj718
A blog article about the last remaining phone booths in Manhattan. Sign of the times.
The Last Phone Booth In New York City: "
There are only four outdoor phone booths left in Manhattan - and they’re all on West End Avenue. That’s it: four.
This one is at 101st Street:
This is at the corner of 100th Street:
This tree-shrouded booth can be found at the corner of 90th Street.
Finally, this is at 66th Street.
And that’s it.
(Via Scouting NY.)
Posted via web from Haj718
Technorati Tags:
mac, apple history, lisa, apple II, steve jobs
2009 Citroen C3 - CarSpyShots: "
2009 Citroen C3 - CarSpyShots"
(Via http://602cc.tumblr.com/rss.)
Sketchbook Series: Karen Klassen: "
Looking through Karen Klassen’s very impressive and extensive portfolio, you might wonder the preparations she takes to make one of her gorgeous illustrations. Today, on a reader’s request, I am happy to share an inside peek at her many sketchbooks. In these pages, compositions are thought out, sketches for finals pieces are made, type treatments are tested, and then there are many explorations of mediums. She seems to be able to handle a variety of materials expertly from painting a realistic portrait, to collaging layers of textured papers. Thanks so much to Karen for sharing. See more of her work here.
For more sketchbook love check out Doodlers Anonymous’s post of Ted McGrath’s sketchbook.
(Via Book By Its Cover.)
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