I have to admit, I'm a sucker for cute puppy and kitten sites. If you are, too, then this blog will delight you twice over. (
link) The blog is called "Chiwawa to Tora Neko" (the Chihuahua & the Tabby) Apparently Rin (the dog) and Masamune (the cat) are just such good friends that they can't get enough of each other. I've seen cats and dogs that tolerate each other for the sake of keeping truce, but these guys really seem to like each other. And hats off to blogger, Sayu as she seem to really have a keen sense of capturing the right moment. For those of you who don't read Japanese, the captions on the photos are mostly sound effects (Grrrr, pitter pater, etc) and bumbling thoughts (whaaat? Hmnnnn! Tuna!)
Technorati Tags:
humor, cats, kittens, dogs, puppies, Chihuahua, tabby, cats and dogs, cute