Interesting observation by David Byrne (link). Being an advertising Art Director myself, I've noticed that the best photography direction comes from those agency creatives with the best references from the fine arts field. Inspiration or recreation? Sometimes, it's a fine line. BTW, Robert Longo's drawings are quite striking. Check them out (link).


(from David Byrne's blog) "New iPod ads and an image from the Men in The Cities series of drawings by Robert Longo. Coincidence or conspiracy?"


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Interesting visual juxtapositions. (link)


(Via Neatorama.)

Fascinating report from Science Network Western Australia (link). I imagine it being similar to Orangutans eating certain leaves to cure stomach aches. I guess very creature seems to have their instinctive way to keeping themselves healthy. Makes me wonder about natural remedies out there in the wild instead of depending on my medicine cabinet.

Sick Sheep Eat Their Way to Better Health!: "

Australian scientists found out how sick sheep heal themselves: they eat things that make them feel better, and they learn it from their moms!

Sheep, he says, are smarter than we think. 'There is something called nutritional wisdom and it means that sheep, like other animals,have the capacity to make a choice,' he says. …

‘It could be that sheep need certain medicinal paddocks where we take them to self-medicate … or it could be that they need ongoing low-level intakes of certain plants to keep parasites at bay,’ he says.



(Via Neatorama.)

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Wordless Pancake Recipe: "

How do you communicate ideas without language? Say, for instance, how would you give directions on making pancakes without using words? Take a look: Wordless Pancake Recipe [Flickr]


(Via Neatorama.)

Something I always thought about doing but Graphic Designer Pramod Purushothaman has beaten me to the punch. And with skill and delicacy. Click the images for a larger view.

A picture is worth a thousand words: "

word images
word images
word images
word images
word images
Images: Frogview
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(Via Spluch.)
